int n;
cout<<"Program menentukan bilangan prima"<cout<<"Masukkan bilangan : ";
int prima = 1;
for(int i=2; i{
if(n%i == 0)
prima = 0;
Kamis, 08 April 2010
C++ untuk menentukan bil. prima...
SQL Select CommandUsed to retrieve selected data. Syntax: SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] columnname1 [,columnname2] The sections between the brackets [] are optional. A simpler syntax statement is: select columnname1 [,columnname2] from tablename [where condition]; A "*" may be used to select all columns. The where clause is optional and only one column name must be specified. The Where ClauseThis clause is used to specify which columns and values are returned. Where conditions specify an OPERATOR to use for comparison. OPERATORs include:
The GROUP BY ClauseThis "GROUP BY" clause allows multiple columns to be grouped so aggregate functions (listed below) may be performed on multiple columns with one command. Aggregate function keywords: |
- AVG - Get the average of a specified column.
- COUNT - Get the quantity of values in the column.
- MAX - Return the maximum value in a specified column.
- MIN - Return the minimum value in a specified column.
- SUM - Return the sum of all numeric values in the specified column.
SELECT MAX(population)
FROM citylist;
WHERE state = 'Indiana';
Example using the GROUP BY clause which gets the smallest population of each city in every state:
SELECT MIN(population)
FROM citylist;
GROUP BY state;
The HAVING Clause
Allows selection of set test criteria on rows. You can display average size of towns whose population is less than 100.
The ORDER BY Clause
This clause lets results be displayed in ascending or descending order. Keywords:
- ASC - Ascending order.
- DESC - Descending order.
Other Keywords
- ALL - Used to select all records.
- DISTINCT - Used to select unique records. Only unique values are returned.
SELECT city, state FROM towntable WHERE population > '100000';